
Bright Futures.

Shaun Scholtz

Hello, I’m Shaun Scholtz

I believe design can be a roadmap that unifies visual storytelling and business value into a vision laced with human empathy, sparking people into action. It’s a strategy I use because it works, and I love working for organizations that see design as a key to unlocking their potential.

Today, I lead product design at Assent, an organization that sees design as a catalyst for creative thinking and problem-solving in supply chain sustainability.

  • Curatio Case Study

    Merging Empathy, Technology, and Health

    Discover how Curatio's transformation journey, driven by empathetic design and user-focused insights, revolutionized health platform experiences for those with chronic conditions—proving the unparalleled power of collaboration and iterative design.

  • Elevating Medical Decision-Making

    Discover the Zenxmed journey, where physician-led innovation and user-centered design converge to address North America's healthcare challenges, offering insights for enhanced decision-making at point-of-care and promoting physician collaboration.

  • Cracking the Keyword Code

    Delve into the evolution of Dtermin, a tool born to simplify online lead generation for small businesses. Witness firsthand how user insights shaped its transformative journey, from initial ideation to design refinement, and how a synergy of brand identity and user experience illuminated the path to meet real-world needs.

  • Revitalizing Online Therapy

    In the Wellin5 project, I transformed the online therapy experience. Through targeted redesigns and a user-centric approach, I streamlined booking, enhanced client communication, and utilized advanced tools for swift design iterations. Discover how I revitalized a platform, setting a new benchmark in online therapy.